30002 rank

55,987 points

84 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cirgard 945 bisi2 853,855,078 154,444
bisi2    Swords of darkness
Houndsmoor 14589 bisi2 Swords of darkness 4,561,686 2,086
bisi2    Handelsfederation
Arvahall 16862 bisi2 Handelsfederation 4,528,384 2,341
bisi2    Neue Hoffnung
Brisgard 16334 bisi2 Neue Hoffnung 3,648,572 1,887
bisi2    Wilde Gilde
Noarsil 14411 bisi2 Wilde Gilde 3,133,815 1,707
bisi2    Goldene Legion
Eldenborough 30002 bisi2 Goldene Legion 55,987 84