28205 rank

87,905 points

200 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alfred the Great    Al Mansour
Eldenborough 28205 Alfred the Great Al Mansour 87,905 200
Alfred the Great    Venizier
Arvahall 33510 Alfred the Great Venizier 64,980 140
Alfred the Great    Gute Truppe
Jaims 28493 Alfred the Great Gute Truppe 42,983 177
Alfred the Great    đź’ŽDiamanten Städteđź’Ž
Houndsmoor 31461 Alfred the Great 💎Diamanten Städte💎 25,805 55
Alfred the Great    Rentner
Brisgard 34681 Alfred the Great Rentner 23,586 50