11447 rank

11,383,432 points

9,662 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zaphok    Torchwood
Vingrid 6275 Zaphok Torchwood 18,506,419 22,619
Zaphok    😈 Rammstein 😈
Jaims 10496 Zaphok 😈 Rammstein 😈 14,179,807 11,944
Zaphok    Oberschlesien 🤘
Cirgard 11195 Zaphok Oberschlesien 🤘 13,120,344 12,960
Zaphok    🌳Upstalboom🌳
Fel Dranghyr 11447 Zaphok 🌳Upstalboom🌳 11,383,432 9,662
Zaphok    🐍 Ragnarökk 🐍
Tuulech 10281 Zaphok 🐍 Ragnarökk 🐍 9,053,064 8,957
Zaphok    👁 The Saviors 👁
Rugnir 11147 Zaphok 👁 The Saviors 👁 7,743,081 9,023
Zaphok    ⛏ Grakofel Hämmerle
Sinerania 11587 Zaphok ⛏ Grakofel Hämmerle 7,699,197 8,235
Zaphok    💂‍♂️ Die Stadtwache
Mount Killmore 13786 Zaphok 💂‍♂️ Die Stadtwache 6,479,761 7,245
Zaphok    🧙‍♂️ Durins Volk
Qunrir 12770 Zaphok 🧙‍♂️ Durins Volk 4,480,490 5,444
Zaphok    🚢Moloch🚢
Arvahall 17283 Zaphok 🚢Moloch🚢 3,843,712 5,548
Zaphok    Männer ohne Gesicht
Brisgard 17292 Zaphok Männer ohne Gesicht 2,579,393 4,147
Zaphok    🛸 Babelfish 🛸
Dinegu 21384 Zaphok 🛸 Babelfish 🛸 439,882 538
Zaphok    The Loop 💫
Eldenborough 25487 Zaphok The Loop 💫 205,160 474
Zaphok    Wikingerorden
Greifental 28901 Zaphok Wikingerorden 153,372 21