11267 rank

18,318,767 points

6,380 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
belling    Just for Fun!
Houndsmoor 5446 belling Just for Fun! 99,992,548 20,475
belling    German kings
Odhrorvar 5479 belling German kings 78,147,400 14,282
belling    Schützengilde
Parkog 6649 belling Schützengilde 46,180,634 9,553
belling    Glücks Ritter
Noarsil 7649 belling Glücks Ritter 37,420,247 8,441
belling    Der Eiserne Kern
Sinerania 8523 belling Der Eiserne Kern 24,136,598 7,309
belling    Reiter der Kokosnuss
Cirgard 9745 belling Reiter der Kokosnuss 22,120,261 5,387
belling    TapferesWild
Langendorn 9872 belling TapferesWild 20,369,496 7,693
belling    The Flying Defense
Korch 9432 belling The Flying Defense 19,951,598 6,878
belling    Gockel Gilde
Greifental 11267 belling Gockel Gilde 18,318,767 6,380
belling    Die Gemütlichen
Rugnir 9097 belling Die Gemütlichen 17,137,558 4,129
belling    OhneZwang
Qunrir 9776 belling OhneZwang 14,437,565 3,902
belling    Supermarkt
Fel Dranghyr 11162 belling Supermarkt 13,351,890 5,682
belling    Lomo
Jaims 11682 belling Lomo 10,462,437 2,756
belling    Ahnungslos
Dinegu 13042 belling Ahnungslos 7,223,463 3,945
belling    Hansestädte
Arvahall 16353 belling Hansestädte 5,456,751 3,660
belling    Dogs of War
Brisgard 15397 belling Dogs of War 5,137,671 3,585
belling    WonderChibi's armee
Tuulech 12240 belling WonderChibi's armee 4,607,110 3,721