14915 rank

7,034,512 points

4,629 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
0815Imperator    ich bin wir
Mount Killmore 5531 0815Imperator ich bin wir 103,233,584 16,839
0815Imperator    Legion of Legends
Langendorn 7801 0815Imperator Legion of Legends 41,687,419 19,280
Qunrir 10019 0815Imperator 13,503,059 4,829
0815Imperator    hab8
Korch 11403 0815Imperator hab8 10,522,696 4,848
0815Imperator    Patronus
Greifental 14915 0815Imperator Patronus 7,034,512 4,629
0815Imperator    die Helden
Jaims 15948 0815Imperator die Helden 2,218,452 2,195