9571 rank

29,752,419 points

4,738 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tom the Conquer    Hohenzollern
Dinegu 4555 Tom the Conquer Hohenzollern 137,292,378 11,712
Tom the Conquer    Fun
Walstrand 1774 Tom the Conquer Fun 79,389,772 11,436
Tom the Conquer    Phoenixschwingen
Mount Killmore 7897 Tom the Conquer Phoenixschwingen 44,553,853 6,212
Tom the Conquer   
Greifental 9571 Tom the Conquer 29,752,419 4,738
Tom the Conquer   
Houndsmoor 9455 Tom the Conquer 25,921,030 4,284