34591 rank

34,782 points

427 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
berck the king    Cheyenne´s Sonne
Jaims 849 berck the king Cheyenne´s Sonne 973,860,401 145,085
berck the king    pause gilde
Tuulech 12724 berck the king pause gilde 3,841,144 378
berck the king    über 40
Dinegu 24783 berck the king über 40 150,951 52
berck the king   
Walstrand 16050 berck the king 98,751 295
berck the king   
Qunrir 26826 berck the king 36,694 161
berck the king   
Greifental 34591 berck the king 34,782 427
berck the king   
Houndsmoor 31830 berck the king 23,209 471