11091 rank

18,443,726 points

15,354 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jack the Builder    🧨Abrissbirne💥
Tuulech 15 Jack the Builder 🧨Abrissbirne💥 4,362,577,687 1,048,345
Jack the Builder    Nur keinen Stress 🏝
Eldenborough 10054 Jack the Builder Nur keinen Stress 🏝 20,895,246 21,855
Jack the Builder    Wunschbrunnen Städte
Greifental 11091 Jack the Builder Wunschbrunnen Städte 18,443,726 15,354
Jack the Builder    AktivInaktiv
Langendorn 11174 Jack the Builder AktivInaktiv 12,706,603 9,631