20919 rank

1,086,634 points

1,703 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tiffy-Lotte    🤜BytheWay🤛
Dinegu 868 Tiffy-Lotte 🤜BytheWay🤛 1,007,550,709 382,169
Tiffy-Lotte    zu neuen Ufern
Walstrand 5559 Tiffy-Lotte zu neuen Ufern 7,914,160 28,191
Tiffy-Lotte    Work in progress
Jaims 13482 Tiffy-Lotte Work in progress 5,568,334 18,351
Tiffy-Lotte    Dark side of the moo
Greifental 20919 Tiffy-Lotte Dark side of the moo 1,086,634 1,703
Tiffy-Lotte    Keine Verpflichtung
Mount Killmore 21271 Tiffy-Lotte Keine Verpflichtung 638,643 1,037