25879 rank

349,874 points

968 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alexander the First   
Brisgard 22637 Alexander the First 606,347 1,306
Alexander the First    Kaiser Josef
Eldenborough 22892 Alexander the First Kaiser Josef 444,655 1,397
Alexander the First   
Dinegu 21718 Alexander the First 429,511 1,386
Alexander the First    Die Normannen
Fel Dranghyr 22491 Alexander the First Die Normannen 371,608 1,064
Alexander the First    Ying und Yang
Greifental 25879 Alexander the First Ying und Yang 349,874 968
Alexander the First    Drachentöter
Qunrir 20475 Alexander the First Drachentöter 331,641 1,014
Alexander the First    Die Dragoner
Parkog 20585 Alexander the First Die Dragoner 330,469 1,062
Alexander the First    Die Avaloner
Houndsmoor 24154 Alexander the First Die Avaloner 278,270 474
Alexander the First    Rosenstolz
Uceria 21832 Alexander the First Rosenstolz 277,822 1,158