15340 rank

3,266,647 points

3,928 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
motte007    OrCa
Vingrid 23 motte007 OrCa 2,151,318,218 581,957
motte007    💀Skull & Bones🦴
Walstrand 703 motte007 💀Skull & Bones🦴 142,268,627 267,776
Brisgard 13088 motte007 8,209,402 8,893
motte007    The Vikings Farmer
Houndsmoor 15340 motte007 The Vikings Farmer 3,266,647 3,928
Sinerania 21300 motte007 302,201 536
motte007    business
Dinegu 24205 motte007 business 220,017 482