5773 rank

67,027,921 points

17,455 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
belling    Just for Fun!
Houndsmoor 5773 belling Just for Fun! 67,027,921 17,455
belling    German kings
Odhrorvar 6039 belling German kings 48,198,438 11,380
belling    Schützengilde
Parkog 7732 belling Schützengilde 24,432,242 7,863
belling    Glücks Ritter
Noarsil 8711 belling Glücks Ritter 21,002,427 7,102
belling    Der Eiserne Kern
Sinerania 8566 belling Der Eiserne Kern 19,423,087 6,921
belling    TapferesWild
Langendorn 10520 belling TapferesWild 13,530,005 6,735
belling    The Flying Defense
Korch 10295 belling The Flying Defense 12,686,040 5,792
belling    Gockel Gilde
Greifental 12209 belling Gockel Gilde 11,691,917 5,460
belling    MARVELS
Cirgard 12075 belling MARVELS 8,933,986 3,638
belling    Supermarkt
Fel Dranghyr 12349 belling Supermarkt 7,854,641 4,842
belling    Die Gemütlichen
Rugnir 11866 belling Die Gemütlichen 5,426,367 2,567
belling    Ahnungslos
Dinegu 13863 belling Ahnungslos 4,611,472 3,604
belling    Hansestädte
Arvahall 17259 belling Hansestädte 3,474,784 3,366
belling    WonderChibi's armee
Tuulech 12783 belling WonderChibi's armee 3,242,938 3,275
belling    Dogs of War
Brisgard 17064 belling Dogs of War 2,514,600 3,222
belling    • Kühlschrank •
Qunrir 14315 belling • Kühlschrank • 2,298,468 2,107
belling    Lomo
Jaims 17083 belling Lomo 1,480,176 1,221