1530 rank

579,941,727 points

98,422 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
vtecc    Handels&Archenhaus
Houndsmoor 1530 vtecc Handels&Archenhaus 579,941,727 98,422
vtecc    The Resurrection
Arvahall 2069 vtecc The Resurrection 430,275,699 90,150
vtecc    Uprising
Jaims 2092 vtecc Uprising 399,030,024 81,181
vtecc    Legendary
Fel Dranghyr 2614 vtecc Legendary 318,930,798 68,828
vtecc    Blackthorn
Greifental 3411 vtecc Blackthorn 228,436,208 60,082
vtecc    The Eye of Terror
Dinegu 5613 vtecc The Eye of Terror 91,895,455 61,682