14956 rank

4,014,031 points

1,117 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
trixie12    trixie12
Eldenborough 13391 trixie12 trixie12 7,465,740 1,163
trixie12    The Republic
Jaims 13434 trixie12 The Republic 5,544,069 1,083
trixie12    Die Gliede
Brisgard 15217 trixie12 Die Gliede 5,072,020 1,051
trixie12    The Arrows
Fel Dranghyr 14180 trixie12 The Arrows 4,832,683 1,067
trixie12    Der rote Clan
Dinegu 14402 trixie12 Der rote Clan 4,197,814 1,135
trixie12    Vüderation of Empire
Houndsmoor 14956 trixie12 Vüderation of Empire 4,014,031 1,117
trixie12    Regelfreie Gilde
Greifental 16748 trixie12 Regelfreie Gilde 3,734,414 1,120