20465 rank

721,126 points

77 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ma the g    WIKINGERKLAN
Arvahall 8953 ma the g WIKINGERKLAN 31,978,183 4,333
ma the g    Ratsherrengilde
Uceria 10046 ma the g Ratsherrengilde 11,169,056 1,709
ma the g    Diamantenmine 💎
Vingrid 7426 ma the g Diamantenmine 💎 10,697,274 1,547
ma the g    die freien
Walstrand 7305 ma the g die freien 2,344,658 658
ma the g    M&A
Xyr 6889 ma the g M&A 1,535,190 483
ma the g   
Greifental 21798 ma the g 897,266 72
ma the g    Pazivisten
Cirgard 20180 ma the g Pazivisten 778,074 96
ma the g   
Jaims 19269 ma the g 762,473 179
ma the g    Auffanglager
Houndsmoor 20465 ma the g Auffanglager 721,126 77
ma the g   
Eldenborough 21135 ma the g 681,425 38
ma the g   
Korch 21374 ma the g 388,626 38
ma the g    Dunkle-Ritter
Sinerania 20412 ma the g Dunkle-Ritter 369,210 70
ma the g   
Mount Killmore 24841 ma the g 266,310 45
ma the g   
Langendorn 23984 ma the g 253,089 36
ma the g   
Rugnir 21781 ma the g 221,601 45
ma the g   
Parkog 21766 ma the g 216,649 66
ma the g    Killmore Clan
Noarsil 23062 ma the g Killmore Clan 212,415 39
ma the g    NORIS
Qunrir 22467 ma the g NORIS 163,162 42
ma the g   
Odhrorvar 23576 ma the g 129,330 57
ma the g   
Tuulech 27219 ma the g 36,874 21