2112 rank

423,499,410 points

87,746 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pipo2013    ☘️ SILBERSEE 🍀
Houndsmoor 2112 pipo2013 ☘️ SILBERSEE 🍀 423,499,410 87,746
Jaims 7072 pipo2013 50,705,382 23,662
pipo2013    Power Fighter
Eldenborough 7587 pipo2013 Power Fighter 49,512,776 20,779
pipo2013    Just_For_Fun
Arvahall 22303 pipo2013 Just_For_Fun 1,013,658 1,872
Fel Dranghyr 20521 pipo2013 597,553 953
pipo2013    The Expendables
Brisgard 25430 pipo2013 The Expendables 290,795 807
pipo2013    THUNDER
Noarsil 22119 pipo2013 THUNDER 249,291 712
Tuulech 23865 pipo2013 83,202 449