14852 rank

4,165,445 points

115 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
maxjoker    Mondlicht
Arvahall 14968 maxjoker Mondlicht 7,295,935 180
maxjoker    Dragon l.
Brisgard 15314 maxjoker Dragon l. 4,901,806 128
Cirgard 14523 maxjoker 4,719,567 102
maxjoker    The Rebellion
Fel Dranghyr 14317 maxjoker The Rebellion 4,633,266 120
maxjoker    DOG TAG HUNTER
Greifental 16065 maxjoker DOG TAG HUNTER 4,621,099 101
maxjoker    H-Town Crew
Eldenborough 14891 maxjoker H-Town Crew 4,597,600 108
maxjoker    Alera Imperia
Houndsmoor 14852 maxjoker Alera Imperia 4,165,445 115
maxjoker    Altländer
Dinegu 14911 maxjoker Altländer 3,436,145 121
maxjoker    Die Schlümpfe 1
Korch 14490 maxjoker Die Schlümpfe 1 3,333,574 158
maxjoker    Die schwarze Nacht
Jaims 14864 maxjoker Die schwarze Nacht 3,245,139 154
maxjoker    sonja
Langendorn 15244 maxjoker sonja 3,231,542 65
maxjoker    Altländer
Mount Killmore 16684 maxjoker Altländer 2,410,090 147
maxjoker    HanseNet
Noarsil 15715 maxjoker HanseNet 1,853,944 148
maxjoker    BTTV
Parkog 15093 maxjoker BTTV 1,679,629 151
maxjoker    Oldenburger Elite
Odhrorvar 15327 maxjoker Oldenburger Elite 1,674,486 149
maxjoker    Freie Wikinger
Sinerania 15597 maxjoker Freie Wikinger 1,646,264 282
maxjoker    Der Name der Rose
Rugnir 15254 maxjoker Der Name der Rose 1,628,567 131
maxjoker    Kulesens Hanseaten
Qunrir 15990 maxjoker Kulesens Hanseaten 1,241,039 166