7450 rank

49,441,503 points

39,818 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Makkai    Frankenreich
Fel Dranghyr 1061 Makkai Frankenreich 868,261,579 284,133
Makkai    Schattenwolf Empire
Greifental 7682 Makkai Schattenwolf Empire 51,281,346 48,340
Makkai    48 Musketiere
Houndsmoor 7450 Makkai 48 Musketiere 49,441,503 39,818
Makkai    Positano
Xyr 2212 Makkai Positano 41,731,171 45,589
Makkai    Relax and Chill
Walstrand 3259 Makkai Relax and Chill 30,087,282 29,749