21188 rank

560,848 points

157 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jagoh    Null_Bock
Arvahall 20596 jagoh Null_Bock 1,489,150 645
jagoh    The Kings
Fel Dranghyr 18373 jagoh The Kings 1,143,608 351
jagoh    Sauerland
Cirgard 18825 jagoh Sauerland 1,125,823 319
jagoh    Sauerland2024
Brisgard 20478 jagoh Sauerland2024 1,015,574 309
jagoh    ..::Toys`R´us::...
Dinegu 19267 jagoh ..::Toys`R´us::... 812,689 142
jagoh    the dark kingdoom
Houndsmoor 21188 jagoh the dark kingdoom 560,848 157