14831 rank

3,279,985 points

3,516 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Stuntee the killer    🔨☠️ The Crazy ❤️🍸
Parkog 4469 Stuntee the killer 🔨☠️ The Crazy ❤️🍸 100,301,642 84,717
Stuntee the killer    The Crazy Dia Farm
Mount Killmore 8708 Stuntee the killer The Crazy Dia Farm 30,917,442 12,324
Stuntee the killer    The Crazy
Houndsmoor 10680 Stuntee the killer The Crazy 15,900,282 12,103
Stuntee the killer    Der Drachensturm
Korch 13875 Stuntee the killer Der Drachensturm 4,199,199 2,051
Stuntee the killer    The Crazy
Jaims 14831 Stuntee the killer The Crazy 3,279,985 3,516
Stuntee the killer    The Crazy
Arvahall 17957 Stuntee the killer The Crazy 3,114,493 3,098
Stuntee the killer    The Crazy
Langendorn 15734 Stuntee the killer The Crazy 2,697,259 2,566
Stuntee the killer    The Crazy
Qunrir 15439 Stuntee the killer The Crazy 1,509,846 2,096