20672 rank

492,742 points

263 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
telemichel    Hansestädte
Arvahall 22377 telemichel Hansestädte 950,291 543
telemichel    Tangolino
Dinegu 20225 telemichel Tangolino 619,996 304
telemichel    Flesh and Blood
Greifental 23769 telemichel Flesh and Blood 546,388 257
telemichel    Nirvana5
Brisgard 23015 telemichel Nirvana5 541,336 331
telemichel    SPAß UND FRIEDEN
Eldenborough 22078 telemichel SPAß UND FRIEDEN 508,937 241
telemichel    Space x
Fel Dranghyr 21198 telemichel Space x 502,774 269
telemichel    HandelsGötter
Jaims 20672 telemichel HandelsGötter 492,742 263
telemichel    Key World
Tuulech 22462 telemichel Key World 142,078 148
telemichel    Jeba
Parkog 23279 telemichel Jeba 124,053 143
telemichel    DD_44
Noarsil 27242 telemichel DD_44 57,797 95