6786 rank

50,174,737 points

23,662 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pipo2013    ☘️ SILBERSEE 🍀
Houndsmoor 3281 pipo2013 ☘️ SILBERSEE 🍀 203,845,550 43,797
pipo2013    Kingdom of Heaven
Jaims 6786 pipo2013 Kingdom of Heaven 50,174,737 23,662
pipo2013    Power Fighter
Eldenborough 7428 pipo2013 Power Fighter 46,339,006 19,765
Fel Dranghyr 20690 pipo2013 582,568 953
pipo2013    The Expendables
Brisgard 25596 pipo2013 The Expendables 281,090 807
pipo2013    THUNDER
Noarsil 22316 pipo2013 THUNDER 248,271 712
Tuulech 24187 pipo2013 83,586 449