5058 rank

105,097,712 points

26,985 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cool3312    Bund der Freunde
Dinegu 1421 cool3312 Bund der Freunde 702,015,755 133,452
cool3312    Freigeist
Langendorn 4338 cool3312 Freigeist 146,140,341 54,259
cool3312    Nation of Glory
Fel Dranghyr 4498 cool3312 Nation of Glory 138,313,274 46,284
cool3312    ✨lights of eternity✨
Korch 4391 cool3312 ✨lights of eternity✨ 126,820,902 38,618
cool3312    Amicitia Sempiterna
Houndsmoor 5248 cool3312 Amicitia Sempiterna 108,960,087 30,210
cool3312    Klatschm🌸hnwiese
Jaims 5058 cool3312 Klatschm🌸hnwiese 105,097,712 26,985