12092 rank

8,602,223 points

3,973 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
herz5020    ₪ Fair Trade ₪
Brisgard 5952 herz5020 ₪ Fair Trade ₪ 74,435,273 18,358
herz5020    The sky people
Eldenborough 11097 herz5020 The sky people 14,822,660 6,068
herz5020    MIX -Wir die Mitte
Jaims 12092 herz5020 MIX -Wir die Mitte 8,602,223 3,973
herz5020    blue society
Greifental 14952 herz5020 blue society 6,428,955 2,329
herz5020    AktivLockerFair
Xyr 5024 herz5020 AktivLockerFair 6,078,824 3,197