Rank Name
1 Leviticus the Brave
1 Leviticus the Brave
2 AlzoBluenose
2 AlzoBluenose
3 jonne
3 jonne
4 Mad Ferret
4 Mad Ferret
5 nigelus
5 nigelus
6 mannukumar1
6 mannukumar1
7 Archelaos the Strong 116
7 Archelaos the Strong 116
8 babygamer007
8 babygamer007
9 BarboraS
9 BarboraS
10 Sound Forger007
10 Sound Forger007
11 Appolonia the Sly 2172
11 Appolonia the Sly 2172
12 davie-uk2
12 davie-uk2
13 Mandana the Bold 1408
13 Mandana the Bold 1408
14 suki
14 suki
15 rina bulu
15 rina bulu
16 Adrian1973
16 Adrian1973
17 auld125
17 auld125
18 Anacreon the Brash 878
18 Anacreon the Brash 878
19 MattewDavidMc
19 MattewDavidMc
20 meisterpetro
20 meisterpetro
21 demon spawn
21 demon spawn
22 Basiliscus the Hard 2998
22 Basiliscus the Hard 2998
23 Bandy 1953
23 Bandy 1953
24 tz1969
24 tz1969
25 Player2505
25 Player2505
26 phillg1987
26 phillg1987
27 Messalina the Lucky 3059
27 Messalina the Lucky 3059
28 PM121027
28 PM121027
29 peoplesarmy199
29 peoplesarmy199
30 arrow frog
30 arrow frog
31 Zoe1988
31 Zoe1988
32 P3corion
32 P3corion
33 Claudius the Hunter 1142
33 Claudius the Hunter 1142
34 King in the south
34 King in the south
35 chaznee
35 chaznee
36 amaru234
36 amaru234
37 Antonis10
37 Antonis10
38 Plaasseun
38 Plaasseun
39 zarah the brave
39 zarah the brave
40 Bla Milito Gh
40 Bla Milito Gh
41 Bill took a pill
41 Bill took a pill
42 Peter3.1415926535
42 Peter3.1415926535
43 Manzy6
43 Manzy6
44 old ram
44 old ram
45 Kai Wadsworth
45 Kai Wadsworth
46 Theodosius the Dire 2900
46 Theodosius the Dire 2900
47 snoopyz1
47 snoopyz1

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.