13968 rank

725,984 points

474 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Steve the honerable    Titans
Tuulech 23 Steve the honerable Titans 1,298,923,016 319,973
Steve the honerable    Gone to T
Greifental 1358 Steve the honerable Gone to T 227,981,625 187,797
Steve the honerable    Witch Moon
Fel Dranghyr 7772 Steve the honerable Witch Moon 4,169,211 1,900
Steve the honerable    WWW2
Arvahall 13968 Steve the honerable WWW2 725,984 474
Steve the honerable    Gone to T
Uceria 5416 Steve the honerable Gone to T 192,408 1,005
Steve the honerable    WWW3
Jaims 14013 Steve the honerable WWW3 174,971 128
Steve the honerable    WWW5
Mount Killmore 15191 Steve the honerable WWW5 158,857 102
Steve the honerable    WWW4
Korch 14313 Steve the honerable WWW4 139,569 104