4707 rank

37,317,898 points

66,242 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pompeia the Cruel 786    QuackQuack
Mount Killmore 3215 Pompeia the Cruel 786 QuackQuack 50,941,040 7,368
Pompeia the Cruel 786   
East-Nagach 3533 Pompeia the Cruel 786 49,827,302 15,450
Pompeia the Cruel 786   
Jaims 3321 Pompeia the Cruel 786 49,074,714 7,437
Pompeia the Cruel 786   
Rugnir 2223 Pompeia the Cruel 786 44,209,343 13,094
Pompeia the Cruel 786   
Houndsmoor 4293 Pompeia the Cruel 786 40,001,824 26,533
Pompeia the Cruel 786   
Sinerania 1922 Pompeia the Cruel 786 38,236,736 14,454
Pompeia the Cruel 786   
Arvahall 4707 Pompeia the Cruel 786 37,317,898 66,242
Pompeia the Cruel 786   
Odhrorvar 6238 Pompeia the Cruel 786 6,947,828 1,100
Pompeia the Cruel 786    Quack Quack
Noarsil 7503 Pompeia the Cruel 786 Quack Quack 3,838,484 1,039