13500 rank

903,374 points

2,013 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
adzez    🔥 Dragons Rising 🔥
Houndsmoor 4727 adzez 🔥 Dragons Rising 🔥 32,727,092 8,609
adzez    Best Friends Pl
Cirgard 9837 adzez Best Friends Pl 1,983,634 2,633
adzez    69th Legion
Brisgard 11093 adzez 69th Legion 1,508,553 2,070
adzez    The Nameless
Mount Killmore 10769 adzez The Nameless 963,604 2,263
adzez    The Twisted Crew
Arvahall 13500 adzez The Twisted Crew 903,374 2,013