2487 rank

123,922,726 points

70,141 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Stan the Moose    House of Pain
Jaims 61 Stan the Moose House of Pain 2,593,412,378 686,787
Stan the Moose    eu si cu mine
Arvahall 2487 Stan the Moose eu si cu mine 123,922,726 70,141
Stan the Moose    FC Legion of Legends
Dinegu 2855 Stan the Moose FC Legion of Legends 84,815,895 56,906
Stan the Moose    eu si cu mine
Mount Killmore 2605 Stan the Moose eu si cu mine 77,823,677 59,940
Stan the Moose    Fearsome Fokkers
Houndsmoor 4002 Stan the Moose Fearsome Fokkers 46,910,988 26,430
Stan the Moose    The Hawks
Greifental 4387 Stan the Moose The Hawks 28,704,060 22,914
Stan the Moose    Stu'sOutcast Bunnies
Tuulech 2521 Stan the Moose Stu'sOutcast Bunnies 7,009,383 9,545