15659 rank

407,212 points

909 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
RebelIcthyosaur12569    anARChy the 9th
East-Nagach 2066 RebelIcthyosaur12569 anARChy the 9th 108,143,390 218,607
RebelIcthyosaur12569    🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec
Sinerania 3648 RebelIcthyosaur12569 🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec 7,315,793 16,379
RebelIcthyosaur12569    The Diamond Miners
Greifental 9069 RebelIcthyosaur12569 The Diamond Miners 1,853,808 2,489
Arvahall 15659 RebelIcthyosaur12569 407,212 909
Uceria 4417 RebelIcthyosaur12569 272,159 474
Tuulech 5992 RebelIcthyosaur12569 188,407 631