17342 rank

218,041 points

268 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Floraz    Knights of The Dawn
Cirgard 446 Floraz Knights of The Dawn 843,133,443 182,843
Floraz    Celtic Warriorz
Korch 7813 Floraz Celtic Warriorz 3,512,086 6,284
Floraz    Celtic Warriorz
Mount Killmore 8126 Floraz Celtic Warriorz 3,438,632 6,053
Parkog 5796 Floraz 2,170,626 4,381
Floraz    Celtic Warriors
Dinegu 10596 Floraz Celtic Warriors 1,051,154 890
Floraz    La Cosa Nostra
Odhrorvar 11046 Floraz La Cosa Nostra 448,702 1,219
Floraz    Celtic Warriors
Houndsmoor 13419 Floraz Celtic Warriors 361,786 204
Floraz    Celtic Warriors
Jaims 12375 Floraz Celtic Warriors 347,129 432
Floraz    Celtic Warrior
East-Nagach 12945 Floraz Celtic Warrior 345,393 118
Floraz    Celtic Warrior
Arvahall 17342 Floraz Celtic Warrior 218,041 268
Floraz    celtic warrior
Fel Dranghyr 13733 Floraz celtic warrior 204,780 96
Langendorn 14012 Floraz 111,824 300
Greifental 16995 Floraz 41,108 67