3060 rank

91,625,300 points

13,201 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Wolfman II    Aetos Dios
Fel Dranghyr 531 Wolfman II Aetos Dios 800,794,494 132,570
Wolfman II    Wolfies
Rugnir 607 Wolfman II Wolfies 314,721,589 45,669
Wolfman II    Wolverines
Parkog 951 Wolfman II Wolverines 164,348,314 34,088
Wolfman II    Wolfmanites
Arvahall 3060 Wolfman II Wolfmanites 91,625,300 13,201
Wolfman II    Wolverine gang
Korch 2591 Wolfman II Wolverine gang 80,885,765 19,199
Wolfman II    Diamonds Forever
Jaims 2735 Wolfman II Diamonds Forever 76,502,542 12,510
Wolfman II    Wolfies IV
Cirgard 3089 Wolfman II Wolfies IV 72,146,590 12,446
Wolfman II    Solo Spirit
Dinegu 3417 Wolfman II Solo Spirit 60,846,935 7,671
Wolfman II    Wolf Warriors
Uceria 683 Wolfman II Wolf Warriors 60,157,952 20,135
Wolfman II    IE Rangers
Odhrorvar 2935 Wolfman II IE Rangers 55,900,104 10,959
Wolfman II    Wolfies V
Sinerania 1672 Wolfman II Wolfies V 52,387,960 18,862
Wolfman II    IE Raiders
Houndsmoor 3931 Wolfman II IE Raiders 50,813,791 6,449
Wolfman II    Wolfies Unite
Greifental 3567 Wolfman II Wolfies Unite 49,920,795 5,747
Wolfman II    Diamond Frenzy
Brisgard 4111 Wolfman II Diamond Frenzy 44,632,552 5,970
Wolfman II    Diamonds
East-Nagach 4080 Wolfman II Diamonds 36,493,576 5,275
Wolfman II    Wolf Cubs 100
Mount Killmore 4115 Wolfman II Wolf Cubs 100 31,021,634 6,165
Wolfman II    The One and Only
Langendorn 5833 Wolfman II The One and Only 9,348,803 1,386
Wolfman II    Wolverines IV
Tuulech 2445 Wolfman II Wolverines IV 8,089,243 8,807
Wolfman II    Wolfies
Noarsil 7138 Wolfman II Wolfies 4,969,492 1,460