5980 rank

21,724,555 points

12,538 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ZaksS    🥃🌹🍷🍾
Sinerania 457 ZaksS 🥃🌹🍷🍾 303,103,842 107,961
ZaksS    Colonial Explorers
Greifental 4094 ZaksS Colonial Explorers 35,673,059 23,004
Arvahall 5980 ZaksS 21,724,555 12,538
ZaksS    Pict Nation
Houndsmoor 5484 ZaksS Pict Nation 21,502,385 12,424
ZaksS    knights of Ne
Brisgard 5637 ZaksS knights of Ne 20,102,656 11,931
Tuulech 5935 ZaksS 364,747 703