10574 rank

2,985,449 points

1,280 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sabina the Intrepid 897    WHITE EAGLE
Arvahall 10574 Sabina the Intrepid 897 WHITE EAGLE 2,985,449 1,280
Sabina the Intrepid 897    Tyrone
Parkog 5567 Sabina the Intrepid 897 Tyrone 2,599,187 1,007
Sabina the Intrepid 897    Diamond
Korch 8298 Sabina the Intrepid 897 Diamond 2,577,691 1,015
Sabina the Intrepid 897    Nimble
Rugnir 6085 Sabina the Intrepid 897 Nimble 2,399,070 1,041