4349 rank

41,377,909 points

86,750 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
bert37    #YNWA
Parkog 938 bert37 #YNWA 142,038,488 140,562
bert37    Just Having Fun
Houndsmoor 2424 bert37 Just Having Fun 113,699,263 135,801
bert37    T'raiders of the Arc
Greifental 2987 bert37 T'raiders of the Arc 64,040,417 101,492
bert37    Order of the Phoenix
Arvahall 4349 bert37 Order of the Phoenix 41,377,909 86,750
bert37    Mindful Wanderers
Brisgard 5888 bert37 Mindful Wanderers 15,902,261 20,743