1464 rank

278,274,899 points

56,026 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Petros XX    ƤɍɝĐąŦȏřŞ ǤƦ
Cirgard 13 Petros XX ƤɍɝĐąŦȏřŞ ǤƦ 5,040,890,132 1,017,853
Petros XX    Jedi
Arvahall 1464 Petros XX Jedi 278,274,899 56,026
Petros XX    The White Knights
Dinegu 2092 Petros XX The White Knights 146,667,115 28,157
Petros XX    Temporary
East-Nagach 2811 Petros XX Temporary 84,167,331 14,436
Petros XX    Temp
Brisgard 3642 Petros XX Temp 58,475,864 18,921
Petros XX    Temporary
Mount Killmore 4453 Petros XX Temporary 25,226,312 5,994
Petros XX    Just Chillin'
Korch 4669 Petros XX Just Chillin' 20,987,168 5,362
Petros XX    Ghost Ship
Greifental 5449 Petros XX Ghost Ship 16,055,042 3,738
Petros XX    Wolverines
Langendorn 4910 Petros XX Wolverines 16,018,051 4,072