1592 rank

223,854,673 points

67,782 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Daphne the Hawk 893    Elementals
Arvahall 1592 Daphne the Hawk 893 Elementals 223,854,673 67,782
Daphne the Hawk 893   
Odhrorvar 2394 Daphne the Hawk 893 75,499,725 47,672
Daphne the Hawk 893    Templars Knights
Jaims 3498 Daphne the Hawk 893 Templars Knights 40,912,092 17,959
Daphne the Hawk 893    Ursus Syndicate
Langendorn 3837 Daphne the Hawk 893 Ursus Syndicate 29,339,272 10,397