4890 rank

26,379,755 points

7,774 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hecubis    Guild of Free Men
East-Nagach 685 Hecubis Guild of Free Men 434,308,888 89,241
Hecubis    One man Army
Brisgard 3905 Hecubis One man Army 37,375,403 8,422
Hecubis    Forgers
Arvahall 4890 Hecubis Forgers 26,379,755 7,774
Hecubis    Spirit of Enterprise
Dinegu 4719 Hecubis Spirit of Enterprise 20,363,053 6,283
Hecubis    White Rose
Cirgard 5122 Hecubis White Rose 17,433,290 5,211
Hecubis    ChillZone
Fel Dranghyr 5079 Hecubis ChillZone 15,814,332 6,518
Hecubis    The Forsaken
Greifental 5188 Hecubis The Forsaken 15,407,490 7,179