2732 rank

107,797,114 points

16,864 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
scruz1273    Alchemists Academy
Arvahall 2732 scruz1273 Alchemists Academy 107,797,114 16,864
scruz1273    Kelpies
Brisgard 2974 scruz1273 Kelpies 82,388,369 11,672
scruz1273    Magic Monkey 2
Cirgard 3119 scruz1273 Magic Monkey 2 69,085,215 10,656
scruz1273    Go With The Flow
Houndsmoor 3513 scruz1273 Go With The Flow 63,415,027 12,554
scruz1273    Tranquility
East-Nagach 3265 scruz1273 Tranquility 60,004,697 10,851
scruz1273    Avoid the pain
Greifental 4942 scruz1273 Avoid the pain 21,046,150 6,310