15258 rank

466,646 points

657 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the darkone    fist of the firstmen
East-Nagach 960 the darkone fist of the firstmen 303,147,511 66,477
the darkone   
Sinerania 5579 the darkone 1,743,507 6,112
the darkone    Sophie’s Muffins
Rugnir 7518 the darkone Sophie’s Muffins 822,590 1,689
the darkone   
Arvahall 15258 the darkone 466,646 657
the darkone    DarkGuild
Fel Dranghyr 12285 the darkone DarkGuild 445,874 719
the darkone    7th Cavalry Division
Brisgard 14311 the darkone 7th Cavalry Division 394,531 433
the darkone    Smoking Gun
Dinegu 13012 the darkone Smoking Gun 379,177 549
the darkone    LEGENDARY
Korch 12819 the darkone LEGENDARY 318,173 297
the darkone    OASIS
Greifental 12846 the darkone OASIS 314,838 367
the darkone    Dragon Gate
Jaims 12849 the darkone Dragon Gate 306,843 310
the darkone    Casuals
Cirgard 14399 the darkone Casuals 292,748 399
the darkone    Crested
Odhrorvar 12421 the darkone Crested 267,041 595
the darkone    Tealc
Langendorn 12725 the darkone Tealc 238,075 290
the darkone    Ploppybottoms
Mount Killmore 15328 the darkone Ploppybottoms 169,923 227
the darkone    The Blacksmiths
Noarsil 14164 the darkone The Blacksmiths 141,334 294