11268 rank

2,156,763 points

1,133 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bergstar    Come and join
Dinegu 5803 Bergstar Come and join 14,008,882 3,936
Bergstar    ~~Thorny Roses~~
Brisgard 7219 Bergstar ~~Thorny Roses~~ 9,667,006 2,681
Bergstar    Famtastic
Houndsmoor 7045 Bergstar Famtastic 9,497,164 2,018
Bergstar    weregettingroundtoit
Korch 6084 Bergstar weregettingroundtoit 9,478,019 2,374
Bergstar    new france
Cirgard 6912 Bergstar new france 9,094,491 2,632
Bergstar    Easy going Guild
Greifental 6487 Bergstar Easy going Guild 8,999,553 2,486
Bergstar    Sages Spire
East-Nagach 6803 Bergstar Sages Spire 8,509,691 1,956
Bergstar    GUILD4ALL
Jaims 6407 Bergstar GUILD4ALL 8,272,580 1,964
Bergstar    TheGodz
Mount Killmore 6925 Bergstar TheGodz 6,700,335 2,134
Bergstar    westland
Arvahall 11268 Bergstar westland 2,156,763 1,133