3009 rank

90,521,560 points

2,439 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jeantom19b    TRADE FEDERATION
Korch 2239 jeantom19b TRADE FEDERATION 103,029,214 2,440
jeantom19b    --V--
Jaims 2334 jeantom19b --V-- 97,076,380 2,754
jeantom19b    Yorkshire Rose
Greifental 2569 jeantom19b Yorkshire Rose 92,904,617 2,660
jeantom19b    THE RED ROSES
Brisgard 2796 jeantom19b THE RED ROSES 92,214,794 2,558
jeantom19b    ⚖️Trade Union ⚖️
Arvahall 3009 jeantom19b ⚖️Trade Union ⚖️ 90,521,560 2,439
jeantom19b    Simply, Just For Fun
East-Nagach 2829 jeantom19b Simply, Just For Fun 79,952,079 2,528