1072 rank

406,296,022 points

58,657 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
kernow56    Dark Side of the Moo
Korch 405 kernow56 Dark Side of the Moo 779,278,666 145,689
kernow56    Chilled Assassins
Parkog 472 kernow56 Chilled Assassins 412,256,823 76,891
kernow56    Wild Wolves
Arvahall 1072 kernow56 Wild Wolves 406,296,022 58,657
kernow56    Easy Going Guild
Jaims 1027 kernow56 Easy Going Guild 315,900,279 50,495
Noarsil 1293 kernow56 236,046,628 41,587
kernow56    The Terriers
Houndsmoor 1685 kernow56 The Terriers 220,501,771 38,813
kernow56    The Gathering
Dinegu 1628 kernow56 The Gathering 210,478,711 37,407