3299 rank

80,863,012 points

5,043 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
otisw    Clan of St George
Arvahall 3299 otisw Clan of St George 80,863,012 5,043
otisw    villlains return
Cirgard 3291 otisw villlains return 64,075,242 4,076
otisw    GreatEmpires
Jaims 3038 otisw GreatEmpires 61,232,576 4,163
otisw    trading cooperative
Dinegu 3474 otisw trading cooperative 58,908,869 3,776
otisw    NatteVogterne
Odhrorvar 2902 otisw NatteVogterne 57,338,843 4,025
otisw    Isle of Mull
Noarsil 3269 otisw Isle of Mull 52,659,885 3,764