9706 rank

4,432,461 points

640 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Nene the Conquerer    Prospectors
Mount Killmore 7615 Nene the Conquerer Prospectors 4,723,585 677
Nene the Conquerer    Winterfell
Odhrorvar 6864 Nene the Conquerer Winterfell 4,719,867 885
Nene the Conquerer    Teamwork
Arvahall 9706 Nene the Conquerer Teamwork 4,432,461 640
Nene the Conquerer   
Korch 7495 Nene the Conquerer 4,316,310 455
Nene the Conquerer    NO everday play here
Brisgard 8994 Nene the Conquerer NO everday play here 4,208,441 546
Nene the Conquerer    Capricorn Vl
Houndsmoor 8723 Nene the Conquerer Capricorn Vl 3,711,381 428