8168 rank

7,144,437 points

3,485 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jaims 911 Vonners 265,867,216 73,513
Vonners    Knight of the South
Houndsmoor 3971 Vonners Knight of the South 37,451,304 17,145
Vonners    Knights of the South
Arvahall 8168 Vonners Knights of the South 7,144,437 3,485
Vonners    Knights of the South
East-Nagach 9380 Vonners Knights of the South 1,776,673 1,861
Vonners    Friends
Dinegu 9503 Vonners Friends 1,720,504 1,593
Vonners    Knights of the South
Odhrorvar 8629 Vonners Knights of the South 1,559,195 1,318
Vonners    betty
Sinerania 7528 Vonners betty 590,463 843
Vonners    Knights of the Sourh
Brisgard 13510 Vonners Knights of the Sourh 521,532 494
Vonners    Knights of the South
Parkog 8806 Vonners Knights of the South 329,181 590