20697 rank

71,596 points

92 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
gilie    No Demands
Houndsmoor 4174 gilie No Demands 33,058,595 5,256
gilie    Just Play !
Noarsil 4204 gilie Just Play ! 22,277,350 3,852
gilie    No Demands
Jaims 4336 gilie No Demands 20,432,529 4,337
gilie    No Demands
Fel Dranghyr 4857 gilie No Demands 17,544,133 3,835
gilie    The Herbalists 💨🌲
Mount Killmore 4849 gilie The Herbalists 💨🌲 15,697,701 4,061
gilie    Dog & Cat
East-Nagach 5247 gilie Dog & Cat 14,796,622 3,545
gilie    No Demands
Greifental 5283 gilie No Demands 14,579,390 3,601
gilie    Fun Bunch
Rugnir 3269 gilie Fun Bunch 13,646,742 3,459
gilie    Newark Knights
Parkog 2996 gilie Newark Knights 13,322,670 2,993
gilie    non serious gamers
Korch 5655 gilie non serious gamers 10,313,082 2,495
gilie    Friendly Folk
Cirgard 6357 gilie Friendly Folk 9,743,628 2,781
gilie    BraveNewWorld
Uceria 4062 gilie BraveNewWorld 365,084 346
gilie    T34M00K1
Dinegu 13190 gilie T34M00K1 353,562 338
gilie    Brisgard Centurions
Brisgard 17681 gilie Brisgard Centurions 115,117 105
gilie    Dejected & Rejected
Arvahall 20697 gilie Dejected & Rejected 71,596 92