14367 rank

625,028 points

196 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
luxor the moonprince    smelt
Mount Killmore 2500 luxor the moonprince smelt 83,623,580 8,089
luxor the moonprince   
Arvahall 14367 luxor the moonprince 625,028 196
luxor the moonprince    Expedition control
Korch 11074 luxor the moonprince Expedition control 620,309 273
luxor the moonprince   
Cirgard 12638 luxor the moonprince 563,489 112
luxor the moonprince    United Empire
Langendorn 10713 luxor the moonprince United Empire 540,452 219
luxor the moonprince   
Jaims 11559 luxor the moonprince 505,800 231
luxor the moonprince    ▒▒▒▒ Tradders ▒▒▒▒
Houndsmoor 13009 luxor the moonprince ▒▒▒▒ Tradders ▒▒▒▒ 441,071 260
luxor the moonprince    Just-us
Noarsil 16663 luxor the moonprince Just-us 38,645 32
luxor the moonprince    forvar
Odhrorvar 16419 luxor the moonprince forvar 35,622 31