8543 rank

6,561,398 points

3,232 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pericles the Wise 129    dic371
Dinegu 5522 Pericles the Wise 129 dic371 14,590,407 4,723
Pericles the Wise 129    dic50
Arvahall 8543 Pericles the Wise 129 dic50 6,561,398 3,232
Pericles the Wise 129    United Kings
Noarsil 7477 Pericles the Wise 129 United Kings 3,679,131 2,969
Pericles the Wise 129    dic371
East-Nagach 9335 Pericles the Wise 129 dic371 1,897,020 1,979
Pericles the Wise 129    Skyline
Jaims 9606 Pericles the Wise 129 Skyline 1,239,588 1,419
Pericles the Wise 129    rag372
Mount Killmore 12539 Pericles the Wise 129 rag372 478,366 1,100