3236 rank

71,282,757 points

16,534 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
B1ackw3ll    1st Ancients
Arvahall 3236 B1ackw3ll 1st Ancients 71,282,757 16,534
B1ackw3ll    Knight of Malta
Brisgard 14151 B1ackw3ll Knight of Malta 395,964 202
B1ackw3ll    The Britons
Cirgard 14525 B1ackw3ll The Britons 250,265 311
B1ackw3ll    Icaro
Dinegu 15374 B1ackw3ll Icaro 124,102 107
B1ackw3ll    Children of God
Fel Dranghyr 18543 B1ackw3ll Children of God 26,725 96